Metabolic Balance

Wellsome stones balance

What is Metabolic Balance?

Wellsome Naturopathic Health - Metabolic Balance image of vegetables in paper bag

Metabolic Balance was created based on the understanding that the food we consume greatly impacts our well-being and health. Many of the commonly accepted foods disrupt the body’s natural self-regulation, leading to diseases and obesity. Metabolic Balance focuses on improving metabolic health. We believe, if the causes are addressed and balance is restored, symptoms are able to resolve naturally.

While Metabolic Balance is widely recognized as a weight loss programme, it is more accurately described as a comprehensive well-being programme.

The most frequent and remarkable outcome experienced by our clients is effortless, natural and enduring weight loss, all while promoting overall health and vitality.

The programme is fully supported by your practitioner and provides guidance on:

  • Identifying your appropriate foods and portion sizes to meet your specific nutritional requirements.
  • Discovering the optimal food combinations.
  • Understanding the ideal timing and methods for consuming these foods.
  • Establishing and sustaining long-term healthy eating habits for lasting success.

Is Metabolic Balance for me?

Are you suffering from or developing metabolic diseases?

Do you have hormonal imbalances?

Are you overweight or obese?

Are you tired and exhausted?

Do you have sore joints?

Food intolerances?

Gastrointestinal complaints?

Do you struggle reaching or maintaining a healthy weight?

Are you confused about what and what not to eat?

Are you prepared to make significant changes to your daily food choices and lifestyle?

Wellsome Naturopathic Health - Metabolic Balance is it for me?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to just one of these, the programme might be the perfect solution for you.

Book your free discovery call now!

The Four Phases of the Metabolic Balance Programme

Each of the four phases of the programme is fully supported by your practitioner, who will guide you along your health journey.

Wellsome Naturopathic Health - Metabolic Balance the four phases
  1. Preparation Phase
    (2 days)

  2. Strict adjustment Phase
    (where you follow your personal food list, about 2 weeks)

  3. Relaxed adjustment Phase
    (additional foods are incorporated, about 3 months)

  4. Maintenance Phase
    (goals have been reached, metabolism is reset, your lifetime plan is there for you to follow and maintain your new found health)

How Metabolic Balance works:

Your unique plan is based on more than 10,000 calculations, applied to 36 of your blood markers, your body measurements, any of your health conditions, any or your medications.

You’ll receive a 100% personalised nutrition plan to match your biochemistry with your optimal foods.

Your plan caters for your food preferences, allergies and ethnic background.

Your practitioner will guide you every step of the way.

The programme delivers remarkable results – fat is released, energy is increased, hormones are balanced, overall wellness is improved.

Your plan is based on real food – no supplements, no shakes, no powders. No cruel exercise regimes! No hunger!

Why Metabolic Balance works:

Wellsome Naturopathic Health - Metabolic Balance why it works

Your nutrition plan balances your ‘body chemistry’ with the right ‘food chemistry’ for you.

Your plan will teach you the exact foods that will work to nourish you to wellness. You will eat all the essential nutrients found in fresh wholesome foods with your plan concentrating particularly on the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs to re-balance your metabolism.

Food is selected purely on its effect on your hormonal system, not on calories, or the percentage of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

Therefore, your body is able to realise a healthy metabolism and natural insulin secretion.

With the help of new and simple rules for preparing your food and establishing a new dietary regime you achieve long term and ongoing weight management and hormonal balance.

Based on science, with proven effects

The programme was founded in 2002 in Germany by Dr. Wolf Funfack to naturally support the healing of diet-related disorders and has since been continuously developed and optimized by scientists. Whether metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity – it has a positive influence on all lifestyle diseases. 

The “Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism” published an independent study in 2010. The study demonstrated that the Metabolic Balance programme is a highly effective program for both weight loss and quality of life.

The study was conducted in cooperation with the Department of Quality Management and Social Medicine of the Medical Centre of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.

The researchers were equally surprised by a significant improvement in the participants’ blood values during the course of the study as well as the clear improvement reported by the participants for their personal and health-related quality of life.

The participants are particularly impressed by the side effect – an effective and sustainable weight regulation.

Positive side effects – yes please!

Wellsome Naturopathic Health - Metabolic Balance positive side effects

Because fat releases quickly which is sustained long-term, Metabolic Balance currently ranks as one of the best diet programmes, as proven by an independent study. 
But it can do a lot more. It not only helps you reach your goal weight, but paves the way for more health and vitality. Especially if you have diet-related problems. 
But even healthy people can increase their vitality by balancing their metabolism. Vitality, youthfulness and balanced hormones – these are important keys for enhanced quality of life!

Be your own Self-healer

All organisms have self-healing powers, a finely tuned interaction between the immune, nervous and hormonal systems. But in the case of metabolic disorders, the power of self-regulation is often completely overridden. This leads to susceptibility to infections, sleep disorders, allergies, food intolerance or serious metabolic diseases such as rheumatism/ arthritis, gout, diabetes or the metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic Balance has a regulatory effect on the metabolism. A balanced metabolism is able to produce all hormones and enzymes itself if the necessary building materials are supplied through nutrition. This strengthens the power of self-regulation, which sets important impulses for healing.

What are you waiting for?

Book your free discovery call now! I am conveniently based in 2 locations on Auckland’s North Shore, but also offer my programme New Zealand/ Australia wide online.

Metabolic Balance Testimonials

Check out a selection of testimonials from real Metabolic Balance clients below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Metabolic Balance programme last?

You start with phase 1, which lasts two days and is the essential preparation for metabolic change. Phase 2 is the strict conversion and is precisely described in the plan and further explained by me. Phase 2 lasts a minimum of 14 days, but typically until you have reached your desired weight or health goal. At this point you move into phase 3 where you will add more foods to your diet. I will also advise you how to do this. The program culminates in Phase 4 - the maintenance phase. You can easily maintain phase 4 for a lifetime by continuing to apply the now familiar rules as the best way to nourish yourself. Ongoing support is available as you need it.

Can I do the programme without a practitioner?

No. Our nutritional plans are not available without the support of a certified practitioner. We believe a fundamental requirement for your long term success is having the right support to guide you on your health journey.

I'm traveling a lot, can I still participate?

Your meal plan is so varied that you can plan well in advance and easily organise your daily meals. Be creative - I can also support you with tips and ideas.

Why can I not snack on the programme?

Your body needs time and rest for digestion. Any snack would disrupt this metabolic process and lead to familiar cravings. Therefore, we recommend having a five hour break between meals.

Will my diet always be as strict as in the 2nd phase of the programme?

No, as your metabolism adjusts to the way of eating and you have achieved your goals, you move into relaxed phases 3 and 4 to maintain your success. Then only a few basic rules familiar to you apply. Just as many other participants do, you will notice which foods are good for you and which are not. And if you ever need to, just go back to your strict phase for a few days and you have your goals under control again.

Do I have to stick to the exact quantities on my plan?

Yes. This is particularly important in phase 2 where you should weigh your food exactly. When you have achieved your goals, I will discuss with you the best way to relax on the stated quantities.

Will I be hungry and less productive in phase 2?

If you stick to your plan, you will eat the right amounts for you, mindfully and with enjoyment. At the end of every meal you will be nicely full due to the high-energy foods eaten three times a day. You will not be starving! In between meals you drink the right amount of water calculated for you and so you will be feeling clear headed and focused. Many clients report that they start to feel the best they've felt in years. If you are tired in the evening in the first few days of the conversion phase, then allow yourself and your body to rest and simply go to bed earlier. It is important to note that every one is individual and in rare cases as the metabolic adjustment happens, some people need a little extra support with hunger. This is one of the reasons why I am there to support you and ensure this is very short lived. Always talk over how you are feeling with me to ensure that adjustments can be made as appropriate and that you get the best results from phase 2.

Can I participate in the programme as a strict vegetarian or vegan?

Vegetarian plans may be generated for those who eat dairy and eggs. Strict vegans cannot participate in the Metabolic Balance program.

I want to improve my health but don't want to lose weight - can I still participate?

Yes, of course. I take this into account when creating your plan and when specifying quantities. Following Metabolic Balance is an excellent way to learn the right foods for you and to generally improve your health and fitness. Talk to me about your specific goals.

How does the programme lead to long term success?

Metabolic Balance is not a diet in the traditional sense, but a proven method for people to learn how to eat well for them. A traditional diet tends to lead to the yo-yo effect because of the severe restrictions on calories, fats, or carbohydrates, which in turn quickly leads to food cravings. This doesn't happen with us. Your plan is your plan. It only takes your laboratory values, your metabolism and your individual nutritional situation into account and provides you with all the necessary calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates. You will learn which foods are good for you and my support provides you with the tools for achieving your health goals.